Young Strings

Designed to increase the diversity of American orchestras, the Dallas Symphony Young Strings program develops the talents of exceptional and underrepresented string players in the city of Dallas by providing its students with the skills, lessons, opportunities, and resources essential for success both in college and careers in music.

Auditions are in January for string students in grades 6-10 who live or go to school in the city of Dallas.
For more information contact Carolyn Jabr, Young Strings Manager, at
Download Application
Chamber Music Camp

We host two weeks of our summer chamber camp for any string students in the Dallas area!
- July 21-25 | For violin, viola, or cello students in Suzuki book 2-4 or comparable repertoire.
- July 28-August 1 | For violin, viola, or cello students in Suzuki book 5 and higher or comparable repertoire. All bass students in Suzuki 2 or higher or comparable repertoire are in week two of camp only.
Questions? Contact Carolyn Jabr at C.JABR@DALSYM.COM.

How to Help

If you’d like to help Young Strings, either through a donation of funds, time or instruments, please contact Carolyn Jabr, Young Strings Manager, at

Young Strings is supported by the following corporate partners:

Additional support for Young Strings is provided by: