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As a subscriber, you receive the following benefits:
- Savings of up to 20% and waived handling fees
- Preferred seats for each concert
- Flexible ticket exchanges
- Presale access to added concerts
- 20% off additional concerts
If you’re a current subscriber, renew your subscription here. For questions, please email us at customerservice@dalsym.com or give us a call at 214.849.4376.
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Subscription Packages
Classical Series

The Texas Instruments Classical Series features timeless classics, fresh perspectives, and innovative masterpieces.
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Subscription Details
To renew your subscription, select the dropdown with your preferred day and follow the prompts to secure your seats!
- Haydn & Mahler | October 2
- Respighi’s Fountains of Rome | October 9
- Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue | October 16
- Luisi Conducts Mozart | November 20
- Luisi Conducts Bruckner’s Ninth | January 15
- Holst’s The Planets | January 22
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 12
- Brahms’ Double Concerto | March 5
- Bartók, Rózsa & Brahms | March 26
- Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony | April 16
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | April 30
- Beethoven, Bach Haydn & Mozart | May 7
- Haydn & Mahler | October 2
- Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue | October 16
- Luisi Conducts Bruckner’s Ninth | January 15
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 12
- Bartók, Rózsa & Brahms | March 26
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | April 30
- Respighi’s Fountains of Rome | October 9
- Luisi Conducts Mozart | November 20
- Holst’s The Planets | January 22
- Brahms’ Double Concerto | March 5
- Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony | April 16
- Beethoven, Bach Haydn & Mozart | May 7
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven| September 12
- Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue | October 17
- Alsop Conducts Brahms | November 7
- Luisi Conducts Mozart | November 21
- Ravel’s Rapsodie Espagnole | November 28
- Puccini’s Madama Butterfly | January 9
- Luisi Conducts Bruckner’s Ninth | January 16
- Holst’s The Planets | January 23
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 13
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | February 27
- Alexi Kenney Plays Barber | March 20
- Bartók, Rózsa & Brahms | March 27
- Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony | April 17
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 1
- Mahler’s Symphony of a Thousand | May 15
- Dvořák& Korngold | May 29
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven| September 12
- Alsop Conducts Brahms | November 7
- Ravel’s Rapsodie Espagnole | November 28
- Luisi Conducts Bruckner’s Ninth | January 16
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 13
- Alexi Kenney Plays Barber | March 20
- Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony | April 17
- Mahler’s Symphony of a Thousand | May 15
- Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue | October 17
- Luisi Conducts Mozart | November 21
- Puccini’s Madama Butterfly | January 9
- Holst’s The Planets | January 23
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | February 27
- Bartók, Rózsa & Brahms | March 27
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 1
- Dvořák& Korngold | May 29
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven | September 13
- Respighi’s Fountains of Rome | October 11
- Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue | October 18
- Alsop Conducts Brahms | November 8
- Luisi Conducts Mozart | November 22
- Ravel’s Rapsodie Espagnole | November 29
- Holt’s The Planets | January 24
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 14
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | February 28
- Brahms’ Double Concerto | March 7
- Alexi Kenney Plays Barber | March 21
- Bartók, Rózsa & Brahms | March 28
- Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony | April 18
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 2
- Beethoven, Bach, Haydn & Mozart | May 9
- Beethoven’s “Eroica” | May 24
- Dvořák& Korngold | May 30
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven | September 13
- Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue | October 18
- Luisi Conducts Mozart | November 22
- Holt’s The Planets | January 24
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | February 28
- Alexi Kenney Plays Barber | March 21
- Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony | April 18
- Beethoven, Bach, Haydn & Mozart | May 9
- Respighi’s Fountains of Rome | October 11
- Alsop Conducts Brahms | November 8
- Ravel’s Rapsodie Espagnole | November 29
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 14
- Brahms’ Double Concerto | March 7
- Bartók, Rózsa & Brahms | March 28
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 2
- Dvořák& Korngold | May 30
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven| September 14
- Haydn & Mahler | October 5
- Respighi’s Fountains of Rome | October 12
- Alsop Conducts Brahms | November 9
- Ravel’s Rapsodie Espagnole | November 30
- Puccini’s Madama Butterfly | January 11
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 15
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | March 1
- Brahms’ Double Concerto | March 8
- Alexi Kenney Plays Barber | March 22
- Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony | April 19
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 3
- Beethoven, Bach, Haydn & Mozart | May 10
- Mahler’s Symphony of a Thousand | May 17
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven| September 14
- Respighi’s Fountains of Rome | October 12
- Ravel’s Rapsodie Espagnole | November 30
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 15
- Brahms’ Double Concerto | March 8
- Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony | April 19
- Beethoven, Bach, Haydn & Mozart | May 10
- Haydn & Mahler | October 5
- Alsop Conducts Brahms | November 9
- Puccini’s Madama Butterfly | January 11
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | March 1
- Alexi Kenney Plays Barber | March 22
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 3
- Mahler’s Symphony of a Thousand | May 17
DSO Pops Series

Experience a wide range of musical genres performed by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra featuring Tony Award-winning guest stars, Broadway performers and films presented by Capital One.
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Subscription Details
To renew your subscription, select the dropdown with your preferred day and follow the prompts to secure your seats!
- Troupe Vertigo: Cirque Noir | September 26
- Dolly Parton’s Threads: My Songs in Symphony | October 24
- Pops Through Time: 125 Years of Iconic Scores and Classic Hits | November 14
- Christmas Pops | December 12
- La Vida Loca | January 30
- Danny Elfman’s Music From the Films of Tim Burton | March 13
- America 250 | April 10
- Top Gun: Maverick in Concert | May 22
- Icons of the Strip: Sinatra | June 19
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven | September 12
- Troupe Vertigo: Cirque Noir | September 26
- Dolly Parton’s Threads: My Songs in Symphony | October 24
- Pops Through Time: 125 Years of Iconic Scores and Classic Hits | November 14
- Ravel’s Rhapsodie Espagnole | November 28
- Christmas Pops | December 12
- La Vida Loca | January 30
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 13
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | February 27
- Danny Elfman’s Music From the Films of Tim Burton | March 13
- America 250 | April 10
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 1
- Top Gun: Maverick in Concert | May 22
- Icons of the Strip: Sinatra | June 19
- Troupe Vertigo: Cirque Noir | September 27
- Dolly Parton’s Threads: My Songs in Symphony | October 25
- Pops Through Time: 125 Years of Iconic Scores and Classic Hits | November 15
- Christmas Pops | December 13
- La Vida Loca | January 31
- Danny Elfman’s Music From the Films of Tim Burton | March 14
- America 250 | April 11
- Top Gun: Maverick in Concert | May 23
- Icons of the Strip: Sinatra | June 20
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven | September 13
- Troupe Vertigo: Cirque Noir | September 26
- Dolly Parton’s Threads: My Songs in Symphony | October 24
- Pops Through Time: 125 Years of Iconic Scores and Classic Hits | November 14
- Ravel’s Rhapsodie Espagnole | November 29
- Christmas Pops | December 12
- La Vida Loca | January 30
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 14
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | February 28
- Danny Elfman’s Music From the Films of Tim Burton | March 13
- America 250 | April 10
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 2
- Top Gun: Maverick in Concert | May 22
- Icons of the Strip: Sinatra | June 19
- Troupe Vertigo: Cirque Noir | September 28
- Dolly Parton’s Threads: My Songs in Symphony | October 26
- Pops Through Time: 125 Years of Iconic Scores and Classic Hits | November 16
- Christmas Pops | December 14
- La Vida Loca | February 1
- Danny Elfman’s Music From the Films of Tim Burton | March 15
- America 250 | April 12
- Top Gun: Maverick in Concert | May 24
- Icons of the Strip: Sinatra | June 21
- Emanuel Ax Plays Beethoven | September 14
- Troupe Vertigo: Cirque Noir | September 26
- Dolly Parton’s Threads: My Songs in Symphony | October 24
- Pops Through Time: 125 Years of Iconic Scores and Classic Hits | November 14
- Ravel’s Rhapsodie Espagnole | November 30
- Christmas Pops | December 12
- La Vida Loca | January 30
- Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninoff | February 15
- Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition | March 1
- Danny Elfman’s Music From the Films of Tim Burton | March 13
- America 250 | April 10
- Stravinsky’s The Firebird | May 3
- Top Gun: Maverick in Concert | May 22
- Icons of the Strip: Sinatra | June 19
Create Your Own

For the utmost flexibility, choose three or more concerts to create a lineup that suits your style, schedule and budget. Save 20% on tickets and enjoy exclusive Create Your Own Subscriber benefits.
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